The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just because pictures

Here are some random pics of both Dunbar boys. The last (almost) 2 weeks have been going pretty well. Everyone is adjusting to having a new person in the family. Landon is still loving being a big brother and is not jealous at all. He has not skipped a beat with his routine and gives Parker lots of loving!

Spider Man

Landon is SUPER obsessed with spider man these days. I think we have a little bit of everything with spider man on it. He is going to be spider man for Halloween.....not sure if it will be the "good" spider man or the "bad" spider man.

Here are a few pics to show how obsessed he is...

Ken's Corn Maze

Landon's class had a field trip to the corn maze this past Friday. Although I was unable to go, I hear they had a blast. Josh went with them and I think Landon enjoyed some "alone" time with daddy. They did the maze, went on a hayride, played on the playground, picked out pumpkins and ate lunch. All in all, it was a great day!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cute picture of the day!

Just thought I would share this cute picture of Parker is his Halloween apparel!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Parker update!

We came home on Thursday and are "trying" to settle in. Landon was SUPER excited to meet his brother. He and his papa Dunbar planned a surprise party for Parker and I and the house was completely decorated! Landon met us at the hospial (outside of course b/c of the visitation restrictions) and rode home with us....he had LOTS of questions as you can imagine.

Parker is dong well. He had his first check up today. He is 7lbs 1oz now and we are battling the jaundice thing. He is on the billie blanket now and we go back tomorrow for another check up. He is a sweet baby, loves to be snuggled and has had at least 100 kisses from his brother so far!

Here are some more pics, enjoy!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Parker David Dunbar is born!!

To say it was eventful would be saying a lot. However, after much waiting Parker David decided to bless Mommy and Daddy with a great Anniversary present and make his grand entrance. At 8:49 pm on October 13, 2009 Parker was born. He weighed in at 7 lbs 12 oz (just like his big brother) and measured 20 inches long. He was blessed by much family and friends on his arrival and has been doing very well. Mommy is resting well and recovering nicely. Here are a few pictures to enjoy, there will be plenty more to share I am sure. Welcome Parker!!
-Special guest post by Daddy (Mommy is resting)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pumpkin Patch!

It is that time of year again...pumpkin time! Our church sells pumpkins and it has become a tradition to pick out our pumkin(s) together after church. Landon and I actually went out on Friday after preschool to get a preview(and 2 small pumpkins) and then we all three went out after church today. The kids love running around together, doing the maze and picking out the perfect pumpkin to bring home!

Camping, Part 2!

The dads from church took the kids for their second camping trip this past Fri/Sat. They had a much bigger group but from what I hear, it was a great time and the kids did great! Landon was very excited to go and had a great trip! Here are a few pics from the event!