The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

What a beautiful day we had to celebrate such a special day!  We woke early to find that the Easter Bunny  had come and left lots of goodies for the boys.  Then it was off to church for a beautiful service.  We came home and got lunch ready.  Josh's family joined us when they got out of church.  We had a delicious lunch and then hid LOTS of Easter eggs.  This has kind of become a tradition that we have the egghunt at our house.  The neighbors joined in as well and Colby and Mackenzie.  It is a lot of fun to watch them scramble to get all these eggs! 

It truly was a great day!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

18 months!

Parker turned 18 months old on the 13th of this month!  WOW...where has the time gone, he is almost 2!  He got a great report at his check-up.  He weighs 28.2lbs (80%) and 33.5in(75%)!  He is a big boy! 

He is really talking now and coming into his personality!  He is so much fun but is testing the limits for sure.  He has already experienced time out on numerous occassions and hears the word "no" frequently.  He still is all about Landon and gets so excited when Landon gets home from school or first thing in the morning when he sees him.  He keeps us on our toes but would not trade him for anything.

Happy 18months Parker...we love you!!!