The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Monday, April 29, 2013

Potty training 2013 style!

We have been trying to convince Parker that he wants to wear big boy underwear and pee in the potty....we even tried in Deceomber and it was a nightmare.  So I decided after this last pack of diapers I bought this was it.  We did a count down and told him when they were gone he was going to wear big boy underwear.  I bought all his favorite character underwear, armed myself with skittles and bought a toy  he has been wanting and put it on top of the refrigerator.  Now, up until this point, this child has NEVER peed in the toilet.  We started last week and by Friday he still had not peed in the potty and I was so FRUSTRATED!  I told Josh he was going to have to take over for the weekend.  He decided this was it...he was going to get him to pee.  They decided on Saturday after Parker was dry for 4 hours that it was time.  Parker wanted to pee outside so we decided that was better than nothing.  Josh made him stand there until he went...which was about 45 minutes I think.  We were all beyond excited when he went and it was like a party around here.  He got his toy and he was one happy little boy.  Later that day he wanted to pee again, but outside so we let him.  Now comes Sunday morning, it's raining and chilly.  Once again he wanted to pee outside until he went out totally naked and decided it was too cold.  We tried for about 45 minutes before church but no luck.  When we got home from church Josh made him strip down and he had to stay in there until he peed.  He did and of course he was so proud of himself.  Last night before bathtime he peed again and it was much quicker. 
Now here we are, Monday morning and he has been in the bathroom for 20 minutes or so trying to pee!  One day I will look back on this and laugh but right now it is trying my patience.  It is quite cute how he is set up in the bathroom....2013 style!

I know one day he will kill me for posting these pictures but until then....

Outside peeing!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ansley is 3 months old!

April 22nd marked Ansley's 3 month birthday!  It has been such a fast and awesome 3 months.  She has added so much joy to our life.  She is really laughing now, smiling a lot (love those gummy smiles) and she LOVES to watch the boys.  She has a really sweet personality and is still very laid back.  She is sleeping through the night, goes to bed around 7-7:30pm and sleeps anywhere between 7-8am.  Sometimes she gets up a little earlier but goes right back to sleep.  During the day she is up for about an hour or two and then naps.  She takes great naps and is super easy to put down.  Ansley did not have a dr's appointment this month but I know she is growing....she is now wearing 3-6 month clothes:)

Here are a few pictures of her on her 3 month birthday!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Parker's First Dentist Visit

Today was the dreaded day....Parker and the dentist.  It's really not the first time that Parker has been but the other times I have taken him he was not having it so I waited awhile this time.  We have a new pediatric dentist in town and I decided he might do better.  He's also 3 1/2 and needs to go.  Well, he was excited about going and talked about it all the way there.  He was good until she laid the seat back (which is the beginning).  He did not like it and made it very difficult.  The dentist was great with him but he is just so darn stubborn.  I eventually ended up holding his arms down and we listened to him cry until she was done.  Everything with this kid is a challenge, we can just now add dentist to that.  I called Josh when I left and told him I made the next appointment first thing in the AM so he could take him.  I think dads should get to have the honors sometimes!

Wolfpack Spring Football Game

We decided that we would take the boys to the NC State Spring Game this past weekend.  Josh's parents were kind enough to keep Ansley so we could just focus on the boys.  Parker has NEVER been to a football game because he has just not been ready.  We thought this would be a good test.  Well, I can honestly say he is still NOT ready:)  He did fine but was more interested in climbing over the bleachers than watching the "game."  I decided we would go on a walk and try to find Mr. Wuf and the girl wuf as Parker calls her.  As we crossed over to the visitor side we spotted them both!  Parker was one excited little boy.  He actually was excited to have his picture made with them.  I texted Josh to have the rest of the come over but by the time Landon and Brayden made it over, the Wuf was off to do something else.  Of course the boys had fun playing and it's always nice to get together with Brayden! 
It's safe to say this will not be the year Parker attends football games.  Maybe one day soon???

Friday, April 19, 2013

Ansley's Baptism

On Sunday, April 14th 2013, we baptised Ansley.  Baptism's are always special times in our family.  Josh's mom or Nana made Ansley's gown, blanket and bonnett(which was too big but precious).  I am so thankful she was able to make this for her and I hope one day if Ansley
has a little girl she will be able to pass it down to her. Josh's aunts and grandmother made the trip from Ohio which made it that more special. Ansley is truly a gift from God and this baptism reminded us of that. I am so overcome with emotion as I think how blessed we are that she is ours. The boys did a great job standing with us as Pastor Al and Pastor Kevin performed the ceremony. We had lots of family and friends there and we are so thankful for everyone's support!
After the baptism we all headed back to our house for lunch. It was nice to just hang out with our family more and celebrate this special day!

Easter lunch...

We have hosted Easter lunch for the last 4 years or so.  We look forward to having family and friends over every year!  We always have lots of yummy food and of course the Easter egg hunt is a huge hit for the kids!  There are sooo many eggs and the kids must get 5 buckets of eggs a piece...thanks Papa and Nana for filling them up every year!

Easter 2013

Easter is always a special holiday!  We try really hard to teach the kids the real reason we celebrate Easter and how awesome it is that Jesus died for us!
  It is always exciting for the kids that the Easter bunny is coming and they cannot wait to see what they get.  Parker was very into it this year and was so excited about his Diego game he got.  Landon couldn't wait to see what was in his basket and his favorite thing was probably his compass.  This was an even more special Easter for us as it was Ansley's first Easter!  I had so much fun picking out her Easter dress and dressing her up! 
We are so blessed that Jesus died for us and that on Easter Sunday he rose!  We headed to church to celebrate this gift where we had an awesome Cantata.  God is good!!