The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Friday, June 20, 2008

Is that a snow sled????

Who says you need snow to sled?

Landon and some of his buddies in the neighborhood discovered in the winter they could sled down our hill on the pine straw. One of them remembered it yesterday and they got them back out. They did this for 2 hours straight!

When Landon got up this morning, his legs were so sore and he has complained about them all day long! The picture is not the best b/c it was getting dark, but you can get the idea....too funny!

Little monkey!

As most of you know, my grandmother passed away last week. We are all saddend by her death, but know that she in heaven looking down on us. She will certainly be missed by us all!

Landon was very curious about the whole thing and said some very sweet things during the funeral. He gave her a picture of the two and them and told her he loved was very sweet!

This picture is from outside the funeral home while we were waiting to go in. Kids can find something to play on anywhere they go!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Don't you love the pool?

Landon and I went to the pool yesterday for a few hours. When we got home he wanted to watch a little TV while I took a shower. I left him downstairs and about 25 minutes later I called him to come up for his nap. He did not respond so I went downstairs and found him passed out! My child NEVER does that so I credit it to the pool (and probably the 100 degree weather)!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Fun filled weekend!

This past weekend was a busy but fun weekend. Josh had some family in frm Ohio so we got to spend a lot of time together. On Friday, all the women went and got massages.....that was AWESOME! Later, we all met for dinner and a little shopping.

Saturday, we had another soccer practice and everyone came to watch Landon, which he loved! Saturday night we went to our dinner club for church and the kids had so much fun playing outside in the baby pools. Sunday ended our weekend with a dance recital (yes, Josh's mother was in the recital, check out the picture....we are proud of her) and a cookout at our house!

Now we need a weekend to rest!!!!

Rockin At the Crossings

Last Thursday we went to "Rockin at the Crossings: here in Holly Springs. It is a very family oriented event that is held during the summer months. There is music, food, beer and usually Stormy from the Carolina Hurricanes makes an appearance. We try to go b/c the kids can just run around and Landon loves it!

In the past Landon has been scared of Stormy. This time he was holding hands with him and is amazing the progress you make in a year! We had a good time as always and will go back in June!