The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Monday, September 27, 2010

1st haircut!

We took Parker to get his first haircut on September 18th! We were not sure how he would do because he is so busy but he did great! We just got it shaped up and he looks like such a big boy now!

11 months!

Parker was 11 months old on September 13th, but am just now getting around to posting. He is walking so much better now and is SUPER busy! He notices everything, climbs everything and wants to be in the middle of what is going on. He is such a sweet baby. He likes to love on you, loves to dance (favorite dance song is a Justin Beiber song, thanks to Landon), actually plays with toys, likes to band thangs on the hardwood floors(not my favorite). He has 5 teeth and another one coming in. I am not sure exactly how much he weighs, but my guess is around 23lbs. He is wearing 12 month clothes, some 12-18months!

We are so blessed everyday with this little man and look forward to the many adventures with him!! We will be celebrating his 1st birthday in October!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

More beach pics....

This is out of order, so see previous post first!

Beach 2010

We just got pack from a beach trip with my brother and his family. We went down on Sunday and came back Wednesday night! The weather was great, the place was nice and the kids had a great time together!

Hopefully we will take more trips together in the future b/c I think all three boys will LOVE playing together on the beach as they get older. This was Brayden's first beach trip and he did great. Parker did much better at not eating the sand this time. We also took Parker down some of the small water slides and he liked them. Of course Landon loves all water but is really starting to enjoy the ocean more as he gets older.

Here are a few pics from our trip.....

Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's that time again.....


Most of you know, that we LOVE this time of year! We have been going to NC State games for a long time and we get excited this time of year. We have such a great time tailgating with family and friends. Landon loves going and has been going since he was about 20 months! Parker will not make it this year...he is SUPER busy and I am pretty sure would not sit through much of it. Maybe next year he will get to go. We hope to continue this tradition with our family for MANY more years!

We did do a family picture before we left and of course Parker was dressed in his wolfpack attire...cheering the team on from home!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Who can resist a sleeping baby????

More summer memories...

We have spent a fair amount of time at the pool this summer. Landon has turned into quite the swimmer and it is so nice. He has impressed us both. In early summer, Parker would just hang out in his float and be content for a long time. Now he wants to get down, crawl all over the place and is in and out. Not quite as much fun for me but none the less he seems to like being there!

Here are a few pics from the pool more specifically Colby's 6th birthday party!

Soccer 2010

Landon is playing soccer this Spring. He was super excited about it, I think because Josh decided to coach this time. He does a pretty good job in practice (when he does not think he is Josh's assistant) but he is just not into the games yet. We asked him if he was enjoying it and he says "YES!"

So, who knows if this will be his sport...I know Josh would like for it to be! Here are a few pics from the season so far...


Well, Parker is not walking officially, but he is taking some steps now. It really started yeaterday, but this afternoon he was taking about 4 steps, looking at me in shock and then went to a crawling position. I wanted to document it here, no pics...sorry!

I am betting by his first birthday, which is around the corner, he will be fully walking! Where has the time gone????