The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Monday, October 27, 2014

Zoo Trip Sept. 2014

Over the trackout we decided to take the kids to the zoo.  Josh took the day off work and we spent the day in Asheboro.  The weather was perfect and there were not many people there at all.  The kids loved it, especially the chimps that truly interacted with them.  Landon held his ipod up the the glass and one of the chimps really got into seeing was really funny. 

Wolfpack Football 2014

With the fall came football season.  No matter if we are winning or loosing, mostly loosing these days, we always enjoy football season.  Here are some random phots from different games.  Ansley has not been yet but she usually dresses the part:)

First Day of Preschool...4 year old style

Parker started his first day of his last year of preschool in September 2014.  He is in the fish class and has Mrs. Catherine and Ms. Mary.  He will be going five days this year...not sure how that will go but we are going to give it a try.  Can't wait to see what this year has in store for Parker!

First Day of 4th grade!

Landon started 4th grade in July 2014.  I truly cannot believe we have a 4th grader.  He has Mrs. Sheleheda this year and we are expecting another great year!  This will be his first year in the AIG program so we are not sure what to expect. 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Lake 2014

Here are some lake pictures from this summer!  As always my kids love spending time there in the summers and I am pretty sure the boys would live there if they could during those months.  Ansley is still not sure about the boat but likes being there.  Lakefest was a hit as usual and we ended the summer with the boys FINALLY getting on the tube!  Can't wait to see what next summer brings!

Summer 2014 Beach Trip

I am determined to get caught back up on this blog!

This past June we took a family trip to the beach.  Josh's parents, his sister and her family and his grandmother along with our family all headed to Oak Island for a week.  This was the first big family trip we had taken and it was perfect!  The kids played non stop, there was lots of laughter, lots of card playing, hide n seek with grandma and lots of memories made.  While we were there we also had family pictures made.  They turned out awesome considering there were so many people. 

Can't wait for future trips!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Ansley is 18 months!

Ansley turned 18 months old July 22, 2014!  I cannot believe our baby is going to be 2 in 6 short months.  She has brought so much joy to our lives.  She is truly her own little person.  She is talking more, favorite word are "no" and "stop it!"  She loves to play with the pots and pans, my tupperware and is a climber for sure.  She is still a great sleeper but not such a great eater.  Hoping that will pass soon:)  One of her favorites things to do when we get home is to let Bella out of her crate.  Can't wait to see what the next 6 months has in store!

Her official stats are: weight:22lbs(40%), Height:33.75(94%). 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Easter 2014

Kind of crazy that I am just getting around to posting Easter pictures in June....but I am determined to get caught back up!

We dyed Easter eggs as always with a little help from Abby this year!  It's such a simple thing yet they have so much fun doing it.  The Easter bunny always hides these eggs and the kids love hunting them Easter morning. 
Of course they were excited to see what the Easter bunny had brought them and I was excited to see them all dressed up!  However, the most important reason was to celebrate the HE indeed had risen!  We try really hard to make sure the kids know the real meaning behind Easter and why we celebrate it! 
We headed to church (after lots of tears and resistance to pictures).  We attempted to get another picture at church with the whole family (yet another epic fail).  After church we came home and got things ready for lunch.  We have been doing this for years and look forward to it every year.  Lots of people, great food and lots of great memories.  Of course the kids LOVE the egghunt and all the stuff they get.  I love watching the kids scramble to get the eggs and I love that the number of kids seems to grow every year!