The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Friday, September 27, 2013

Beach Trip 2013

Like previous years, we went on our annual beach trip this month.  We love going this time of year, less people, great weather and cheaper prices:)  We rented a house at Ocean Lakes and Josh's parents and grandmother joined us!

We spent a lot of time at the ocean and only visited the pool once...this was a first for us, normally the boys want to go to the pool:)  We shopped, ate some great food, went to Alligator Adevnture, rode the golf cart(alot) and had some lazy days.  This was the first trip (since we have had little people) that it actually felt like a vacation.  Josh's parents were a lot of help and we are so glad they were able to go with us.

Sandy loves the ocean so she spent some time in the water with the boys, which they loved (and so did I), papa spent lots of quality time with them and grandma got to spend quality time with the kids...all in all it was a great trip! 

Of course this was Ansley's first beach trip and she LOVED it!  When we took her out on the beach she immediately starting laughing and smiling.  She loved the sand and the water on her toes:)  I think I have another beach bum on my hands!

Football Season 2013

Another football season has begun and you can typically find us at an NC State football game on Saturdays:)  We love this time of year, the weather, the tailgating, lots of great food, quality time with family and hopefully a few wins! 

While Parker and Ansley don't attend the games they are usually in their Wolfpack gear cheering from home!

Love my little Wolfpack Family!!

Parker's 1st Day of Preschool!

The day finally arrived...Parker FINALLY got to go to school!  He has been asking to go to school forever and he was super excited when the day finally arrived.  However, he was really wanting to ride the bus with Landon which he did not get to do but he was excited about riding "mommy's bus!"

He had show n tell on the first day and guess what he took?!?!?  You got it...Frosty:)

Parker is in the 3 year old class and has Mrs. Anne and Mrs. Mackey.  They both seem very sweet and I know he will have a great year!