The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Camp Don Lee

Landon convinced  us that he was ready for a summer camp experience and that he wanted to do a full week.  As you can imagine, I was not sure I was ready for this.  A whole week away from my "baby" was something I have never done.  After many conversations with him, we agreed to let him go.  Thank goodness he had two buddies who also wanted to go.
Landon has been so excited about going and tried to get me to let him pack his bags about 2 weeks before he was suppose to leave.  June 23rd we headed down to the coast, near New Bern to Camp Don Lee.  Landon was beyond excited and did not seem nervous at all...I cannot say the same for myself.  We got the boys all checked in and got their bunks made and said our goodbyes.  I have to admit I did shed a few tears when we were leaving.  I never imagined it would be so hard to leave him.  I know that he is going to make memories and great friends while he is there.  I cannot wait to pick him up Saturday morning and hear all about it! 

It has been quiet here this week.  I do miss her but am so glad the camp posts pictures so I can see his face everyday!  Here are a few pics I took when we dropped him off...I am sure there will be more!

1 comment:

Nathan, Laurie, Elizabeth & Emily said...

Brings back memories of my week at Don Lee many many many years ago! I had a great time...despite the jelly fish sting I got there. Can't wait to hear how he liked it!