The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Ansley is 6 months old!

We are half way to 1 years old already....where o where has the time gone and someone please make it slow down!  I cannot believe my baby girl is already 6 months old...she is still such a sweet, easy going baby.  She is rolling all over the place, loves playing with her toys and can sit with some help:)  We are continuing to introduce her to new foods and for the most part she likes them all, except squash!  She is eating two meals a day now and the sippy cup has been introduced.  She is doing really well with the cup and enjoys have her drink (water) with her meals now.  She is saying da-da (of course) and making other sounds that I am not real sure mean anything yet.  She has the cutest belly laugh and smiles most of the time.  She is still taking 2-3 naps(depending on how long she sleeps) and still does pretty good at night, sometimes waking up one time.  She is still a huge fan of Landon and is starting to be entertained by Parker too(only because he is finally starting to want to entertain her).

Her official stats are 15lbs 15oz (48%), 27.5in (90%)!  She is still wearing some 3-6 month clothes but we are moving into some 6-9 months:) 

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