The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ansley turns 9 months old!

October 22nd marked Ansley's 9 month birthday!  It is so hard for me to believe that in 3 months we will have a 1 year old:)  This has been a busy month for our sweet girl.  She has pretty much sworn off baby food, only wants the real thing.  She likes cheese, the gerber bars, green beans, peaches and pears so far.  I have also given her things that we are eating lasagna, yes she has had a few bites of pizza and chicken casserole.  However, if she is not in the mood to eat she will push your hand away, turn her head and push her lips together.  She has another tooth so that's a total of 4 and I am pretty sure she is working on 2 more.  She is "crawling" now, looks more like an army crawl but she is on the move.  She is "talking" a lot more and can be pretty loud at times.  She still loves her brothers, epecially Landon.  He can still make her smile when no one else can. 

She had her official 9 month check up a few days later.  Her stats are: Weight-17lbs 7oz(36%) Length- 29in(91%).  She has only gained a little over a pound in the last month but the dr is not concerned.  She said she was going to be tall and lean..not a bad problem to have:)

Ansley continue to bless our family everyday and I cannot imagine life without her!

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