The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Monday, April 22, 2013

Parker's First Dentist Visit

Today was the dreaded day....Parker and the dentist.  It's really not the first time that Parker has been but the other times I have taken him he was not having it so I waited awhile this time.  We have a new pediatric dentist in town and I decided he might do better.  He's also 3 1/2 and needs to go.  Well, he was excited about going and talked about it all the way there.  He was good until she laid the seat back (which is the beginning).  He did not like it and made it very difficult.  The dentist was great with him but he is just so darn stubborn.  I eventually ended up holding his arms down and we listened to him cry until she was done.  Everything with this kid is a challenge, we can just now add dentist to that.  I called Josh when I left and told him I made the next appointment first thing in the AM so he could take him.  I think dads should get to have the honors sometimes!

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