The Dunbar Crew......Josh, Kelly, Landon, Parker and Ansley

Monday, April 22, 2013

Wolfpack Spring Football Game

We decided that we would take the boys to the NC State Spring Game this past weekend.  Josh's parents were kind enough to keep Ansley so we could just focus on the boys.  Parker has NEVER been to a football game because he has just not been ready.  We thought this would be a good test.  Well, I can honestly say he is still NOT ready:)  He did fine but was more interested in climbing over the bleachers than watching the "game."  I decided we would go on a walk and try to find Mr. Wuf and the girl wuf as Parker calls her.  As we crossed over to the visitor side we spotted them both!  Parker was one excited little boy.  He actually was excited to have his picture made with them.  I texted Josh to have the rest of the come over but by the time Landon and Brayden made it over, the Wuf was off to do something else.  Of course the boys had fun playing and it's always nice to get together with Brayden! 
It's safe to say this will not be the year Parker attends football games.  Maybe one day soon???

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